martes, 28 de septiembre de 2010


 El otro día en el Reading and Co. de Vilanova y la Geltrú encontré una especie de libreta-libro un poco destartalado de Magda Segal. Me encanta

"The photographs featured on the following pages are taken from Southampton's Women, a collection of photographs of the daily lives of young women in the city of Southampton in the south of England taken by Magda Segal. The images, of women, their daily lives and the intimacy of their fridges, were taken to complement the Southampton Women's Survey, a study of the diet, health and lifestyles of women aged 20–34 years. The study is assessing the influence of factors before and during pregnancy on the growth of the fetus. It forms part of the wider programme of work investigating the effects of the fetal environment on health outcomes in later life, known to epidemiologists as the ‘Fetal Origins Hypothesis’. Thanks to Magda Segal for permission to reproduce the images." 

5 comentarios:

Nuria Jean dijo...

Gracias por pasarte :)
Tu blog es precioso, lleno de ideas y proyectos muy interesantes.
Te sigo, un beso.

Anónimo dijo...

QUé preciosa!
Me encanta!

Gudulina dijo...

¡Que buena idea eso de fotografiar el frigorífico!, No se me habia ocurrido.

Aprendeconvale dijo...

Qué bonito, seguro que si hago fotos a mi mini nevera saldrían horribles!!!

la princesita dijo...

ay con lo me gusta a mi mirar una nevera ajena! jajajajaja
Pd: gracias, y si, Ikea es amor (L)